Un Ltd. web logs by this guy!

Quick guide on where-to-start: Testing edition!


Test Tutotial Topics

Hello There!
Here is just a tutorial path that I put together for anyone beginning WebApp Development and Testing..
For web apps in general, I feel that knowledge in these topics may be the most useful to have I am not sure what the time and resource constraints are, but here is my opinion..

Common Knowledge

for anyone looking into Automation in general (at leasst to brush up on if they already know these)

  1. Web app overview at the heighest level possible
    • code (program)
    • server
    • browser
  2. UI - where the user comes in
    • HTML / CSS / JS
  3. Javascript - where the magic happens


  1. ideology
  2. industry practices
  3. Build Automation
  4. Test Automation
    • levels of test
      • micro (unit)
      • mid range (Integration)
      • macro (end2end)
    • regression (CI)
  5. tools
    the rest is after the programming stuff

Programming (with Classes and what not)

A better way to call Object Oriented Programming

  1. data
  2. types (also called datatypes)
    • primitive
    • derived
  3. variables
  4. operators
  5. functions
  6. classes
    • and inheritance
  7. objects
  8. how it all works together
    • starting (compiling and stuff, if applicable)
    • main()
    • programming constructs
    • blocks
    • loops
    • cases
    • Error/Exceptions


  1. inheritance
  2. interfaces - setting hard patterns and templates
  3. @annotations
  4. javac
  5. how it all works together
  6. other tools if necessary..
    • jars
    • jsp (or other templating languages)
    • spring (or similar power tools and libraries)

testing in java

  1. unit testing - JUnit
  2. test setup
  3. class naming
  4. invoking test
  5. result review


just laying it simple here..
will go deeper, depending on what is covered in Java

  1. why Ruby? (and why Dynamically Typed Languages are better suited for this kinda job)
  2. syntactic sugars and other easy ways to write more human readable code
  3. similarities and differences to Statically Typed Languages
  4. gems
  5. other tools
    • tools like
    • RSpec
    • Rake
    • etc..


A general purpose attempt at standardizing behavior driven test scripts

  1. gherkin
  2. Feature: title
  3. Scenario:
  4. Scenario Outline:
  5. Examples:
  6. @tags
  7. Background
  9. Documentation
  10. steps
  11. step definitions
  12. hooks
  13. test Framework
  14. data management
  15. support libraries
  16. running conditionals
  17. error raising

Browser Drivers

Material to read on Selenium

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